イベント名 Event name |
Career Talk by International Researchers (11/15) |
開催場所 Place |
Centennial Hall 1st Floor Conference Room 百年記念会館 1階 大会議室 |
開催日時 Date |
2018 年 11 月 15 日
13 時 00 分
18 時 35 分
内容 Description |
Transferable Skills Seminar
- Career Talk by International Researchers -
This seminar is targeted for young researchers (MC, DC, PD).
Seminar will be conducted in English.
Career Talk is a program to listen to life story of international business professionals with advanced degrees who are currently working for companies in Japan. They will talk about their career, especially focusing on their turning points of their life such as graduation, job hunting, changing job or company, and so on. To cover wide range of interest of students from many different academic disciplines, guest speakers are chosen from a variety of background; such as life science, agriculture, economics and engineering. Each session is followed by Q&A so you are encouraged to ask questions. The agenda is as follows. For the sake of better understanding of many different vocations, listening to all the speakers is highly recommended. The agenda is shown below.
13:00 Introduction
13:15 Mr. Zobaer Hasan, Ms. Sindhu Thangavel / ROHTO Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
14:30 Mr. Adam Kassab / TERUMO Corporation
16:00 Mr. Woo-Hyeun Jeong / Panasonic Corporation Eco Solutions company
17:15 Mr. Emmanuel de Gabory / NEC Corporation
18:30 Closing Remarks
■ Lecturer
Md. Zobaer Hasan / Ph.D. (Biological Sciences)
Sindhu Thangavel / Ph.D. (Material Science)
Research & Development, ROHTO Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
Adam Kassab / Ph.D. (Business Administration)
Human Resources Development Department, TERUMO Corporation
Woo-Hyeun Jeong / Ph.D. (Agriculture)
Intellectual Property Department, Panasonic Corporation Eco Solutions company
Emmanuel de Gabory / Master of Science & Engineering
System Platform Research Laboratories, NEC Corporation
■ Seminar date
11/15/2018 13:00-18:35
■ Place
Centennial Hall 1st Floor Conference Room
■ Eligibility
Hokkaido University graduate students and postdocs
■ Application
10/18~11/14/2018 23:00
■ Max participants
~Career Talk~ 海外出身研究者によるキャリアトーク
研究者(MC, DC, PD)向けのセミナーです。
Career Talk is a program to listen to life story of international business professionals with advanced degrees who are currently working for companies in Japan. They will talk about their career, especially focusing on their turning points of their life such as graduation, job hunting, changing job or company, and so on. To cover wide range of interest of students from many different academic disciplines, guest speakers are chosen from a variety of background; such as life science, agriculture, economics and engineering. Each session is followed by Q&A so you are encouraged to ask questions. The agenda is as follows. For the sake of better understanding of many different vocations, listening to all the speakers is highly recommended. The agenda is shown below.
13:00 Introduction
13:15 Mr. Zobaer Hasan, Ms. Sindhu Thangavel / ROHTO Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
14:30 Mr. Adam Kassab / TERUMO Corporation
16:00 Mr. Woo-Hyeun Jeong / Panasonic Corporation Eco Solutions company
17:15 Mr. Emmanuel de Gabory / NEC Corporation
18:30 Closing Remarks
■ 講師
ムハンマド ゾバール ハサン / 博士 (生物科学)
シンドウ サンガベル / 博士 (物質科学)
アダム カッサブ / 博士 (経営学)
鄭 雨炫 / 博士. (農学)
知的財産部、パナソニック エコソリューションズ
エマニュエル ドゥ・ガボリ / 修士 (理学&工学)
■ 開催日
11/15/2018 13:00-18:35
■ 開催場所
百年記念会館 1階 大会議室
■ 対象者
北海道大学 大学院学生(MC, DC)、博士研究員/ポスドク(PD)
■ 受付期間
10/18~11/14/2018 23:00
■ 定員
受付期間 Registration Period |
2018 年 10 月 18 日
2018 年 11 月 14 日
23 時 00 分
定員 Capacity |
50名 |
備考 Memo |
■ How to apply
You need to be registered in the Hi-System.
If you are not, please go to the Front Office for Human Resource Education and Development homepage and register in Hi-System.
Click "申し込む" and login to Hi-System. Your registration will be completed as soon as you login.
If you do not receive confirmation e-mail in three business days after registration,
please contact I-HoP.
■ 申込方法
添付ファイル Attachment |